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How Online Degrees Can Advance Your Career
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Online degrees are not just for people looking to change careers or land their first job. Earning your degree online can help you advance the career you already have. Whether you are aiming for a promotion or a pay raise, an online degree can help get you there.

Refine Your Skills
A degree can help you hone the skills you already have. Enrolling in an accounting, business, or management program can help you develop the talents you are already using in your career and help you build on them to gain new ones.

Strong skills and a deep understanding of your industry can help provide job security and help you become a more competitive candidate for promotions. Developing your talents can help you succeed in your already expanding career.

Be Promoted
As you gain more education, you also gain more credibility. Promotions often come with more credibility. Online degrees can help you move up in your company, and even land you a management position. Employees with a degree often have an edge when managers are considering who would be best for a position. When you earn your degree online, you can have this edge.

Move to a New Position
Earning your degree can also make it possible for many people to move to a new position within their company that they enjoy more. An online degree can help you move to a new department, gain different responsibilities, and have a more rewarding job.

Get a Raise
As you gain an education, knowledge, and credibility, you may be more eligible for a raise. Sometimes this raise comes with a promotion or change of position. Most organizations recognize that as an employee becomes more educated they become more valuable to the company. This recognition can also help with your job security.

Build a Network
Enrolling in online degree courses can help you meet and network with fellow professionals in your industry. You can build relationships that may prove helpful in your current job, help you find a new job in the industry, and even help improve your business.

Change Jobs
Getting your degree online can also help you get a new job, at a new organization, but still within your field. With a degree you can build your resume and maybe even have an advantage over other job applicants. You may be just an online degree away from your dream job!